Monday, August 6, 2007

Four Hundred Billion Evaporates, but Nobody is Responsible

Four Hundred Billion Evaporates, but Nobody is Responsible
China Times editorial
translated by Bevin Chu
August 4, 2007

A recent news report escaped the notice of most people. We however, were quite taken aback. According to this report, Taipower's Fourth Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 was scheduled to begin operations in July two years from now. But because contractors have declared bankruptcy, construction will have to be delayed at least eight months. In other words, the ruling DPP's halt on construction of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant will set the project back four years. According to estimates by Academia Sinica economic experts, delays caused by the suspension of work on the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant will increase the cost of construction alone by 160 billion NT. According to Legislative Yuan research figures, changes in contractual terms, price increases in the reserve fund, additional annual fuel costs due to the substitution of fossil fuel fired electrical generation plants following the Executive Yuan's announced halts on construction, have already cost an additional 234.5 billion NT. Using the simplest arithmetic, the ruling DPP's stopping and restarting of construction on the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant has already cost Republic of China taxpayers over 400 billion NT (approximately 12 billion US).

How much is 400 billion, really? For the ordinary citizen, it is an inconceivable, astronomical sum. Why not take the most common central government budget figures for comparison? Consider the 2006 central government budget, approved by the Legislative Yuan, amounting to over 1.37 trillion NT (approximately 42 billion US). Four hundred billion is nearly 1/3 of the Republic of China's annual budget. By contrast, corruption and fraud are a drop in the bucket. Policy decisions made for the sake of ideological conformity, allowed 400 billion to simply evaporate.

Try thinking about it. How much good could have been done with this 400 billion, had it not been wasted? Taipei County has been elevated to the status of a Directly Administered Municipality. Recently, it has been fighting with Taipei City and Kaohsiung City over central government funding. Arguing over 10 or 20 billion in budget allocations, officials have gotten flushed in the face with anger, and almost become sworn enemies! The Executive Yuan only has so much money. If Taipei County wants a little more, then Taipei City and Kaohsiung City must receive that much less. The central government is not about to give the three one dollar more. This shows that Taipei County's elevation to the status of Directly Administered Municipality was purely an election ploy by which Su Tseng-chang hoped to drum up party support during the presidential primary race. Not even the most rudimentary financial preparations were made. In other words, even if Taichung is eventually elevated to the status of Directly Administered Municipality, it will probably have to share from the same pie. The Executive Yuan may be able to elevate the status of counties and municipalities with the wave of a wand, but it can't increase their budget allocations with the wave of a wand. Watching helplessly as new and old municipalities lose their temper bickering over 10 or 20 billion, while the Executive Yuan feigns innocence, as if the problem had nothing to do with them. We really want to say is, if you have the power to make 400 billion evaporate, just like that, yet can't manage to raise a measly 20 billion, just how incompetent are you?

Note that the losses repeatedly mentioned here are official government losses. We don't even know how to begin to calculate private sector losses! Forget everthing else. Just remember the impact of the ruling DPP's October 2000 announcement that it was halting construction on the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant. Within 18 days the TAIEX fell below 6000. By the end of the year it had fallen to 4600. By 2001, Taiwan's economy was in serious decline. According to Mastercard International's Consumer Confidence Index, that year consumer confidence on Taiwan fell to a ten year low, Anyone with a memory on Taiwan remembers it well. How much their net worth shrank. But from whom can we demand an accounting?

Even more interesting is the fact that not one representative of a government that has allowed 400 billion NT to evaporate, has stepped forward to take responsibility for this debacle. Not one individual has come forth to say to the people "We're sorry." Not one individual has even come forth to offer say "We regret what happened." If the corporate management of a corporation in the private sector, or the CEO of a multinational corporation, loses tens of millions of dollars a year, or even several million dollars a year, in all probability he will be ashamed to face the board of directors and the shareholders. Yet a government which has wasted over 400 billion dollars has the chutzpah to assume an air of self-righteous indignation. Perhaps it's merely coincidence, but the same year that it announced that it was suspending work on the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant, the premier was also Chang Chun-hsiung. And Chang maintains even today, that the economic recession of that year, was the result of a global recession, and had nothing to do with the halted construction on the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant. As for the 400 billion which simply evaporated from sight, no responsible explanation has been offered. Out of sight, out of mind. Isn't that the way it works?

Now because global warming and the impact of the Kyoto Protocol have become serious, major nations are limiting the growth of fossil fuel fired power plants, . and aggressively building nuclear power plants, last year even Lee Yuan-tse and Annette Lu began publicly advocating reconsidering the development of nuclear power generation. How ironic considering the change in political climate from a few years ago? Not ony is our Fourth Nuclear Power Plant is far from ready to begin official operation. Nobody dares to guess how much more taxpayer money will have to evaporate before it is. It looks like we will just have to wait and see.

Most disturbing of all is that a government which has allowed 400 billion vanish into thin air, has no need to shoulder any responsibility whatsoever. Instead, it can assume an air of self-righteous indignation. If it commits an even more serious blunder in the future, resulting in an even monumental debacle, and wastes even more ROC taxpayer dollars, or place ROC citizens in even greater danger, one will probably never be able to find anyone willing to assume responsibility.

中國時報 A2/焦點新聞 2007/08/04
《社論》四千億憑空蒸發 找不到人負責








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