Friday, September 7, 2007

A Remedial Class on Transitional Justice

A Remedial Class on Transitional Justice
United Daily News editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
September 06, 2007

The ruling Democratic Progressive Party has had seven different Government Information Office (GIO) Chiefs since it assumed power. Every one of them has been, shall we say, unique. From "The Shooter," who mimicked gunning down reporters at a press conference, to "The Ribbon Cutter," who presided over ribbon cutting ceremonies for illegal pirate radio stations. From "The Terminator" who shut down cable television networks offensive to the ruling DPP, to "The Broker," who negotiated deals for those he was supposed to be regulating. But the most "unique" GIO Chief of all, has to be Hsieh Chi-wei, who has outdone them all.

Why is Hsieh Chi-wei so insufferably arrogant? Hsieh is proud of the fact that he studied German literature in Germany. Because he studied German literature in Germany, he presumes that he is qualified to hold forth on "transitional justice." That, and because he enticed a former East Germany premier with a large sum of money to come to Taiwan and demand that the KMT account for its party assets. He and Chen Shui-bian, who knows nothing about Germany whatsoever, are singing the identical tune. They are demanding that "half of the officials of the judiciary be purged" and that all officials of the judiciary be compelled to declare their party affiliation on the Internet.

How much Hsieh Chi-wei knows about German literature we can't say. But based on the nonsense he has spouted about "transitional justice," he knows nothing about German history, and even less about German politics and law. He is depending solely on his authority as government spokesman to assert that Germany is the way he says it is. He is a disgrace to every scholar who has ever studied in Germany.

Those who have studied transitional justice know that next to Latin America, the most discussed region is Eastern Europe, including Germany. This region has undergone a metamorphosis from socialism to capitalism. These post communist countries must sort out private property, public property and party property. They must right miscarriages of justice. They must investigate refugees gunned down while fleeing from behind the Iron Curtain. They must separate the sheep from the goats. They must also deal with the mountain of dossiers compiled by their secret police. As of today, Eastern Europeans have talked a lot about transitional justice. but those who have actually done something about it are few and far between. It is not that the scope of social reforms is not extensive enough, or that understanding is not deep enough. The problem is transitional justice depends upon the transformation of society as a whole.

So-called transitional justice, is simply making right today what was wrong yesterday. When we encounter a society undergoing transformation, when what I am today emerged from what I was yesterday, just how am I to carry out transitional justice? Is a new generation supposed to exact vengeance on the previous generation? Are some individuals playing by old rules, supposed to turn around and exact vengeance on others? When everyone is pointing the finger at everyone else, transitional justice becomes a form of soul searching. We must never allow a new generation to commit the same mistakes over and over again.

In all of Eastern Europe, only Germany was able to achieve some degree of transitional justice. The reason is simple. Germany reformed by means of merger, in reality, annexation. West Germany's capitalist system replaced East Germany's socialist system in toto. That is why post reunification Germany had good reason to eliminate judges whose heads were filled with socialist ideology. That is why their ranks had to be replaced by judges from West Germany. No other Eastern European country was able to achieve this.

The ROC's tranformation was less radical than Eastern Europe's. Our economy was always capitalist. Our political system was always "democratic gradualism." Therefore following democratization, most of our legal and social institutions needed no further modification. Most importantly, our transition was different from East Germany's. It was the same as other Eastern European countries. It was a collective transformation, akin to the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly. The old rules of the game may have been riddled with injustices, yet the society as a whole advanced from the past to the present. So the question is, precisely who has the right to demand transitional justice from whom? New landlords who worship the old land ownership policies? Corporate heads who depend on old incentives to seize international market share? What right does someone who was once a Kuomintang cell leader, who made it into National Taiwan University because he scored well on Sun Yat-sen's Three People's Principles, who was able to buy a house before all his classmates because he studied Martial Law era maritime law, presume to demand the purging of half the officials within the justice system? Is Chen Shui-bian, a potential defendant in the State Affairs Confidential Expenses case, to decide which half of the officials in the judiciary should be purged? Will these include the presiding judges in his corruption trial?

Had Hsieh Chi-wei really studied Germany history, he would know how vigorously Helmut Kohl sponsored Lothar de Maizie, the last prime minister of East Germany, following the reunification of East and West Germany. This was especially odd, considering how ministers who had been in office for only two months were quietly relieved of their duties. The reason was that East Germany's Ministry for State Security (Stasi) had a dossier filled with senstive information on Kohl. This former Prime Minister, the victim of a ruthless purge, probably never imagined that an Eastern Bloc government undergoing transitional justice would have a Bureau of Information Chief willing to pay him bundles of money to lecture on "transitional justice."

The transitional justice that Taiwan needs requires the kind of soul searching that is carved indelibly into one's bones and into one's heart. What is needed is an evolutionary metamorphosis, not two wrongs that will never make a right, not an endless cycle of tit for tat. An ignorant Hsieh Chi-wei is unqualified to discuss transitional justice. He and the irredeemably corrupt Chen Shui-bian are birds of a feather who are unqualified to criticize the justice system. They can only demean justice.

2007.09.06 03:06 am










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