Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Financial Supervisory Commission: A Protector of Financial Conglomerates, or the People?

The Financial Supervisory Commission: A Protector of Financial Conglomerates, or the People?
China Times editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
April 7, 2009

Summary: Past or present, east or west, con artists have always had one thing in common. They are willing to use any means available for the sake of personal gain. The American public was shocked to learn that for over ten years former Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission Bernard Madoff had been operating a Ponzi scheme. On Taiwan, prosecutors have indicted the head of the Yuanta Group for illegal structural deficits amounting to 700 million NTD. Specifically, prosecutors are seeking a 10 year sentence for violations of securities and exchange regulations and for breach of trust.

Full Text below:

Past or present, east or west, con artists have always had one thing in common. They are willing to use any means available for the sake of personal gain. The American public was shocked to learn that for over ten years former Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission Bernard Madoff had been operating a Ponzi scheme. On Taiwan, prosecutors have indicted the head of the Yuanta Group for illegal structural deficits amounting to 700 million NTD. Specifically, prosecutors are seeking a 10 year sentence for violations of securities and exchange regulations and for breach of trust.

According to the Bill of Indictment, the Ma family used their proxies to take illegal advantage of unconventional equity only transactions. It had Yuanta Securities make up the structural deficits. The Ma family should have taken responsibility for the structural deficits. Instead, after resort to massive sleights-of-hand, it raked in huge profits. Yuanta Securities' small shareholders were forced to bear the burden of huge and inexplicable losses. The Ma family insists that the Yuanta structural deficits were entirely legal. Had the Ma family's perfect crime not been uncovered by the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) and turned over to prosecutors in late 2008, investors would still be in the dark.

The Ma family has left a deep impression on the public, and not merely for the structural deficit case. The Ma family gave First Son Chen Chi-chung a wedding present of six million dollars cash. Yuanta General Manager Ma Wei-chien is suspected of helping First Lady Wu Shu-chen transport 740 million dollars in cash from Cathay United Bank vaults to Yuanta's office. Yuanta Chief Operating Officer Ma Wei-cheng then transported two billion dollars in cash to the Presidential Mansion. Both Ma brothers have been indicted in the Chen family money-laundering case. The public is wondering why professional bankers were willing to risk laundering money for the Chen family. Why weren't the Ma family's "campaign contributions" made openly and above board, complete with receipts, the way Taiwan Semiconductor's were?

The Yuanta structural deficits case Bill of Indictment includes at least seven Yuanta Securities company officers. The eldest and second-eldest sons of the Koo family have also been implicated. Breach of trust and money-laundering are violations of the most important principle of the financial sector -- trust. That is why they are so difficult for the public to accept. In order to uphold the rights and interests of depositors, the FSC must conduct a thorough investigation of financial conglomerates. It must not dally.

Once the Chen family money-laundering case exploded, the tribute large financial holding companies and conglomerates paid to the Chen family, and the help they provided the Chen family in its money laundering operations, was exposed. The public has no difficulty imagining the quid pro quo involved behind these conglomerates' contributions. Yuanta Securities acquired Fuhwa Financial Holdings. Chinatrust acquired China Development Financial Holdings. China Development Financial Holdings acquired Taiwan International Investment Management. Chinatrust acquired Mega Holdings. Taishing Holdings acquired Changhwa Bank as a result of Ah-Bian's "Second Financial Reform." If prosecutors amass clear evidence of illegal conduct, the restoration of shareholders' rights and shareholders' compensation will become an issue. The FSC must be prepared to deal with the aftermath of the case, and return small shareholders some measure of justice.

Consider the American International Group (AIG) executive bonuses. Obama's handling of the case offers the Ma Ying-jeou administration a point of reference. AIG initially declared that executive bonuses were specified in executive contracts, and entirely legal. But Obama concluded that the public would not tolerate them, and demanded that Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner recover the bonuses, in full. Over 200 million U.S. dollars in bonuses had already been handed out. To mollify the public, congress expedited legislation levying high taxes on dividends, forcing the recipients to cough up their windfall profits. Only then did he resolve the crisis. Given the AIG fat cats case, FSC officials should have realized that when injustice has provoked public anger, pleas that "We have no legal basis to act" are no excuse. The attitude of FSC officials is critical. From the perspective of Wall Street businessmen, the AIG dividends were fully deserved. But from the perspective of the public, they were utterly unacceptable. Geithner was criticized most vehemently for seeing the world entirely through the eyes of Wall Street.

In fact the FSC has more than sufficient legal cause to prosecute the heads of domestic financial conglomerates. According to Article 54 of the Financial Holding Company Act, any financial conglomerate that violates the law or company procedures, or obstructs the sound operation of the company, may be subject to FSC sanctions. The company must make timely adjustments to its behavior, and may be subject to punishment, depending on the seriousness of the offense. Punishments include removal from managerial positions, and the firing or temporary suspension of board directors or board supervisors. Such administrative sanctions need not await the results of a trial. Otherwise, the Financial Holding Company Act would be superfluous.

From the Yuanta structural deficits case, the FSC gained first-hand information. It is the government agency most familiar with the problem. Evidence clearly shows that the Ma brothers helped the Chen family launder money. The FSC is akin to the US Department of the Treasury. If the FSC, whose head comes from the financial sector, fails to deal with the problem, then it is acting like the major domo of a financial conglomerate, and not like a defender of the rights of the people.

Ever since the financial tsunami struck, con artists the world over have resorted to all means to stick it to the little guy. They want to steal the taxpayer's hard-earned money and use it to issue executive bonuses. The public is thoroughly disgusted with such behavior. Is the FSC committed to covering up financial conglomerate wrongdoing, or defending the rights of the public? If the FSC thinks it can turn a blind eye to their wrongdoing by adopting an attitude of passivity, the public will not merely be disillusioned, it will pay an even higher price in the future. If the FSC fails to impose the strictest possible sanctions upon wrongdoers, then it will become the target of the strictest possible sanctions by the public.











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