Thursday, June 4, 2009

The NCC's Cognitive Dissonance

The NCC's Cognitive Dissonance
United Daily News editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
June 4, 2009

The National Communications Commission (NCC) passed a seven-point amendment changing the directors and supervisors of Chung Tien Television (CTI TV) and the China Television Company (CTV). This provoked intense official and public criticism. Charges and countercharges of "illegal abuse of power" and "immoral behavior" were bandied back and forth. Serious doubts were cast on the NCC's authority. The China Times Group's public image was also damaged.

The main reason the "Twin Chinas Case" has come to this is that a small number of NCC Commissioners acted willfully. They failed to operate within to the law. They exceeded the limits of the law. As a result applicants were disgruntled. They also failed to gain the support of the community. This is the NCC's biggest problem. It wields immense power and has grand ambitions. But it refuses to operate within the law. Consequently its ideals have remained unfulfilled. It can neither advance nor retreat. It has lost its focus.

The China Times Group launched a counter-attack. Through proxies, it published ads lambasting specific Commissioners. Its methods were unorthodox. This led the NCC to criticize its "manner of doing business." But the root of the problem was the NCC's hasty decision-making. It even disparaged new investors, referring to them as "rice dumpling vendors." Why else would the concerned parties launch such a fierce counter-attack? The NCC criticized the China Times Group coverage of the controversy as "irrational and unbalanced." But one reaps what one sows. The NCC cannot escape blame.

Suppose the NCC had allowed the Tu family to simultaneously own the "Three Chinas?" Why does it have a problem with the Tsai family taking them over now? The provisions of the Broadcasting Law have not changed. Can NCC Commissioners make up their own regulations? Can they allow their individual whims to override the law? The NCC feels it must speak out against investors from other industries buying into the media. But even so, it must offer a logical and persuasive case for its position. The NCC exceeded its authority. It insulted new investors. It insulted many people within the media industry. This hardly accords with the NCC's role as a neutral mediator.

The NCC was established over three years ago. Yet it is still referred to by its English acronym. It still lacks a catchy sounding name in Chinese. This suggests it still has not found public acceptance. Ever since the NCC was established, the public has had high expectations. But the NCC has failed to understand its role, and has failed to fulfill its duties. The "Twin Chinas case" is one example. The earlier TVBS case is another. It mishandled the case of provocative video game commercials. The crux of the problem is that although the NCC has enormous power, it lacks managerial experience and expertise. As a result, whenever it draws its sword, it wounds either someone else or itself.

Take the "Twin Chinas case." Only three Commissioners were able to dicate the rulings of the seven member Commission. Clearly its organization contains a number of structural defects. These have led to defective judgments. For an entity that wields such immense power, this is a serious problem. It is rumored that one or two Commissioners obssessed with "media reform" were the cause of its arbitrary decision-making. If so, the NCC must find ways to address the problem of its own biases. The public of course would like to see officials retain their reformist ideals. But the NCC is not a social reform group. It is a government agency. Its Commissioners may harbor reformist ideals. But they must have the patience to change the media and change the laws. They must not resort to arbitrary means outside the system.

Furthermore, if NCC Commissioners focus only on "monitoring the media," they are defining their duties too narrowly. Society and times change. The NCC's management responsibilities in the world of the Internet are now greater than ever. They include coping with rampant telephone fraud, all-pervasive spam, and the appropriate allocation of telecommunications resources and the rational setting of telecommunications fees. These are all huge issues that affect the livelihood of the general public. They have attracted public attention. They require greater effort by NCC Commissioners. The problem of pirate radio stations has remained unresolved for years. The content of many television shows is vulgar or even fraudulent. But the NCC has turned a blind eye to them. So-called media reformers are concerned about "rice dumpling vendors" buying into the television industry. Yet they have absolutely no reaction to the corruption that threatens to indundate them. Doesn't this indicate some cognitive dissonance regarding their job definition?

The NCC treated the new investors in the "Twin Chinas case" as delinquents. It violated the spirit of the law. This led to today's asymmetrical warfare. This is hardly something the public wants to see. We recommend that the two sides return to the table. The China Times Group may seek administrative relief. The NCC should make a stronger case or re-examine the case. Only then can this conflict between the government and the public end in a lawful and reasonable manner.

2009.06.04 06:02 am







進一步說,NCC委員若只將關注焦點放在「監督媒體」,亦未免太窄化了己身的職責。隨著社會及時代的變遷,NCC對於通訊及網路世界的管理職責也越來越重大,包括詐騙電話的猖獗,垃圾郵件的無孔不入,乃至電信資源的合理分配及電信資費的合理化,在在都是影響民生大眾更鉅的議題,也更受民眾關注,值得NCC委員多下功夫。何況,地下電台林立的問題多少年懸而未決,遑論許多電視節目內容低俗、充斥偽詐,NCC卻視若無睹。所謂媒體改造派的委員若對一位「賣米? 的」商人入主電視耿耿於懷,卻對現實環境中四溢的腥臭腐敗毫無反應,這豈非職務認知太過失衡?


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