Thursday, August 6, 2009

Piecemeal Tax Reform Will Undermine President Ma's Public Support

Piecemeal Tax Reform Will Undermine President Ma's Public Support
China Times editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
August 6, 2009

Over the past several weeks, the Executive Yuan Tax Reform Commission has made a complete about face regarding energy and pollution taxes. They have left outside observers' heads spinning. It has reminded the general public of the Tax Reform Commission's blundering and blindness. Let us review these events and the machinations behind them.
The Republic of China's energy conservation and carbon reduction measures are ineffective. Per capita carbon dioxide emissions are among the highest in the world. This is common knowledge. If the Ma administration wants to use taxation as a means of curbing energy use and reducing emissions, it must adopt the correct policies. According to the Tax Reform Commission's research report, it will integrate the various ministries' random taxes, surcharges, and fees. These will be replaced by a combination energy tax and environmental tax. The rates will be gradually increased over the coming decade. The study used computer simulations. A decade from now, energy and pollution taxes alone will bring in about 800 billion in tax revenue, They will be enough to replace the current income tax. Based on the figures cited above, such large-scale changes are very different from the existing income tax and sales tax-based system.

Prior to the August 3 about face on Green Taxes, the Executive Yuan had already mentioned the case in numerous internal conference reports. Senior officials had already ruled. It made available to members of a joint conference with the Advisory Committee only on June 19. During the conference, Vice-President Chiu of the Executive Yuan publicly announced that "The tax rates will be adjusted annually. The conference has reached a consensus... a public hearing should be held to explain the impact of the policy on industry." During that day's conference there was some debate, but scant dissent. Everyone went along with the program. Six weeks later however, special interest groups had clearly found a number of entry points. They openly overturned the previously approved policy consensus.

Have Green Taxes been given adequate discussion? They have not. Energy and pollution taxes are "sin taxes." Their purpose is to conserve energy and reduce carbon, rather than to generate revenues. By their very nature, they should not be used to generate revenue. It is even less appropriate to talk about an energy tax in the same breath as revenue neutrality. Energy and pollution taxes are by nature consumption taxes. They are indirect taxes. They are passed on to others. The income tax is based on the ability to pay. Energy/pollution taxes and the income tax are as different as night and day. To propose that the income tax be replaced with consumption taxes such as energy and pollution taxes, within the decade, is a controversial move. Besides, energy reduction and carbon reduction are not part of the Tax Reform Commission's mandate. One should not expect taxation to bear the entire responsibility for environmental protection. Jumping from Green Taxes to tax neutrality tells us that amateurs are in charge of the Executive Yuan.

The Tax Reform Commission was a plank in President Ma's campaign platform. It has bee discussing a dozen large and small tax cut proposals for over a year. So many tax cuts and so many tax increases. But according to what criteria? According to what principles? The question has no technical answer. But it does have a political answer - just count the votes. President Ma knows that individual tax cuts mean more votes. But one cannot cut every tax. Therefore a nation's tax structure must optimize tax increases and tax cuts. Only then can one both win votes and broaden one's public support. Piecemeal responses to special interest group demands may allow Tax Reform Commission politicians to engage in deception. But they will be a detriment to voter support.

We are not necessarily opposed to Green Tax policy changes. But we must condemn the Executive Yuan's decision-making process. National taxes are a necessary evil. They are decisions that must be made on a discretionary basis, out of many options. They must not be made individually. If the Tax Reform Commission addresses estate taxes, income taxes, Green Taxes, investment taxes, tonnage taxes, capital gains, and luxury taxes individually, they are bound to encounter internal contradictions. When decisions are reached on an individual basis, it facilitates special interest group lobbying efforts. When push comes to shove, this makes it impossible for the ruling administration to resist. The result is a tax structure that favors a small number of wealthy industries and businesses. The Tax Reform Commission's "reforms" over the past year have been a patchwork quilt. They can only undermine President Ma's public support.

Procedurally speaking, the Tax Reform Commission is a clear vestige of authoritarianism. Major cases must be approved by high-level administration officials before the Tax Reform Commission even discusses them. A professional committee has been reduced to a rubber stamp for the Executive Yuan. Substantively speaking, a major Green Tax reform proposal involving 800 billions in tax revenues was decided during a single high-level Executive Yuan session. The decision-making process is clearly permeated with the sycophantic premise that "the higher one's rank, the greater one's wisdom."

The Tax Reform Commission has been in existence for over a year. The Executive Yuan repeatedly approves or disapproves proposals, then goes through the motions of "consulting" the Tax Reform Commission. The charade is nauseating. One year later, the Republic of China tax system has been shattered. Tax rates continue to fall. Tax revenues continue to fall. The government's sovereign rating continues to fall. The farce has no audience. But the public on Taiwan is forced to be part of it. But can President Ma turn a blind eye to his falling public support?

中時電子報 新聞
中國時報  2009.08.06
片斷式稅改 將侵蝕馬總統民意基礎









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