Tuesday, April 21, 2015

A Silent Victory? Tsai Ing-wen Breaks Out of the One China Framework

A Silent Victory? Tsai Ing-wen Breaks Out of the One China Framework
United Daily News Editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
April 22, 2015

Executive Summary: Tsai Ing-wen has issued another challenge in her 2016 presidential campaign. She has decided to address economic policy. She has remained silent on the cross-Strait issues that the middle class and young people are concerned about. She appears to be giving internal policy top priority. In fact of course, the two issues are inseparable. Four years ago, during a similar election, Tsai Ing-wen evaded cross-Strait issues. She played the economic stability card and turned public opinion around. This time, she is taking a hands-on approach to economic and public welfare issues, hoping to win voter trust and create an atmosphere of safety.

Full Text Below:

Tsai Ing-wen has issued another challenge in her 2016 presidential campaign. She has decided to address economic policy. She has remained silent on the cross-Strait issues that the middle class and young people are concerned about. She appears to be giving internal policy top priority. In fact of course, the two issues are inseparable. Four years ago, during a similar election, Tsai Ing-wen evaded cross-Strait issues. She played the economic stability card and turned public opinion around. This time, she is taking a hands-on approach to economic and public welfare issues, hoping to win voter trust and create an atmosphere of safety.

Why bother to address economic security issues? For one reason alone. Most people think the dividends of cross-Strait policy have been monopolized by Big Government and Big Business. Tsai Ing-wen wants voters to consider a new model of economic development not reliant on Mainland China. She hopes that the coming general election will deconstruct the one China framework.

Tsai Ing-wen first took part in party primaries five years ago. She has never left that battlefield. Her determination is obvious. But her attempts to break out of the one China framework date back many years. During the early days she was general counsel for international trade organization negotiations. She began attacking the one China principle back then. She was responsible for Lee Teng-hui's two-states theory, for cross-Strait policy during the Chen regime. and for the "Taiwan consensus" during her first run at the presidency. Even her advocacy of "maintaiing the status quo" is part of her attempt to maximize Taiwan independence and shatter the one China framework.

The one China principle is the CCP's sole framework for dealing with the Taiwan issue. The two governments clashed in the international arena during the last century. Later the two sides began a dialogue. The one China principle became a precondition for bilateral exchanges. It even plays a part in every presidential election. Every time the public on Taiwan exercises sovereignty, Beijing sees it as a challenge to the status quo. Therefore it feels compelled to reaffirm the framework.

In 1998, the ROC held its first direct presidential election. The Taiwan Strait crisis erupted. Just before the 2000 presidential election, Lee Teng-hui advanced his two states theory. The Mainland realized that Chen Shui-bian might be elected. It subsequently engaged in sabre rattling and verbal attacks. The United States demanded that Chen reaffirm the one China principle. Before the election Chen advanced his "Chen seven points". Later, during his inaugural speech, he advanced the "five noes". The five noes became the joint US-PRC tool to constrain the DPP. Only when Ma Ying-jeou took office was the 1992 consensus rehabilitated and reinstated. In 2008, Hu Jintao and George W. Bush rebooted cross-Strait talks on the hotline. For the first time the United States, the Mainland, and Taiwan reached tripartite agreement on the 1992 consensus. Since then the situation in the Taiwan Strait has changed rapidly. Comprehensive cross-Strait exchanges, economic interdependence, and political dialogue have all progressed by leaps and bound. 

During the last election, the United States and the Mainland joined hands to contain Tsai Ing-wen. The main reason was that her "Taiwan consensus" clashed with the 1992 consensus. This time she is taking a roundabout approach. She has adopted no name, generic label, policy rhetoric. She has made no mention of her "Taiwan consensus" or how she plans to circumvent the 1992 consensus. She has banished the one China principle and everything pertaining to reunification vs. independence from her cross-Strait policy rhetoric. She is attempting to maximize voter support by maximizing policy ambiguity. Her goal is to break out of the one China framework. Maintaining the status quo is her no name, generic brand, cross-Strait policy. It prevents opponents from getting a lock on her. It enables voters to agree with its positive implications. As a result, this presidential election has become a referendum on whether cross-Strait relations can break out of the one China framework.

The one China principle has long been the core of the tripartite relationship between the United States, the Mainland, and Taiwan. None of the three sides can pull away from it on their own. Tsai Ing-wen's attempt to break out of the one China framework depends on changing public opinion. It also hangs on an imbalance in US-Mainland China relations. In recent years, Mainland China has gradually neutralized US dominance in Asia. Conflicts between the two sides have increased in the East China Sea and South China Sea. The Taiwan issue has become a bargaining chip in their two way struggle. The balance of power in the Asian region is undergoing comprehensive change. The ROC presidential election offers an opportunity to break out of the one China framework. How will the United States assess the value of this chip? What attitude will it adopt? It could voice no objection. It could aggressively intervene. There is abundant room for maneuvering. Tsai Ing-wen may have decided this is her chance. She may well be making plans.

Tsai Ing-wen must not be naive. She must not imagine that "maintaining the status quo" can replace the one China principle. She has reverted to repudating the 1992 consensus and the five noes. She says she wants to "maintain Taiwan's democratic values and future independence... and maximize the space and options for the next generation." How much do such aspirations overlap with US national interests? That depends on the Mainland's response regarding the big picture.

How will Beijing respond to such an attempt to breakout of the one China framework? That is difficult to predict. For Xi Jinping, all this is Great Power Politics. He has his calculations. He has his cards to play. As voters, we must see great power politics and partisan rivalry for what they are. We must see who is attempting to break out of the one China framework, and whose opportunism is creating risks. More importantly, we must see who are the pawns on this chessboard.

The phrase "maintaining the status quo" is as old as the hills. But it cannot be taken seriously. The public must cast a jaudiced eye on those who peddle it in ever more ambiguous language. Politicians in power never have any trouble saying what they mean. Some merely have inner calculations. Everyone is advised to ponder the question. Less than a year remains. How will you respond to this attempt to break out of the one China framework? How will you respond to the ensuing change in the status quo?












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