Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Low Point of Civic Education: Politics without the Rule of Law

Low Point of Civic Education: Politics without the Rule of Law
United Daily News Editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
July 30, 2015

Executive Summary: In recent years, the government has been utterly defenseless. The Sunflower Student Movement occupied the Executive Yuan and the Legislative Yuan. High school students ostensibly opposed to curriculum changes broke into the Minister of Education's office. Just prior to this, green camp legislators even vandalized the Ministry of Justice, the nation's highest law enforcement agency. They kicked in the door of the Minister's office as part of their punitive expedition, and accused him of all manner of crimes.

Full Text Below:

In recent years, the government has been utterly defenseless. The Sunflower Student Movement occupied the Executive Yuan and the Legislative Yuan. High school students ostensibly opposed to curriculum changes broke into the Minister of Education's office. Just prior to this, green camp legislators even vandalized the Ministry of Justice, the nation's highest law enforcement agency. They kicked in the door of the Minister's office as part of their punitive expedition, and accused him of all manner of crimes.

People on Taiwan differ on their political allegiance. Some treat governments they dislike as brigands. Therefore they applaud those who engage in illegal trespass. When they see official offices occupied, or their doors kicked in, they consider it well deserved. By contrast, when police arrest students and reporters who broke into the Ministry of Education, they file suit against the Ministry of Education and vilify the police. DPP Chairman Tsai Ing-wen and the ruling heads of 13 counties and muncipalities filed a joint statement. They demanded that the Ministry of Education withdraw its lawsuit. Even the Vice President of NTU stuck his nose in, and denounced the Ministry of Education as "despicable".

Leave the controversy over the curriculum change aside for a moment. Does breaking into government buildings really deserve applause? Does it really constitute courage? Do those who cheer such actions and demand that the Ministry of Education withdraw its lawsuit, actually believe that the government should throw open its doors and allow protesters to come and go as they please? If they do, will DPP ruled counties and municipalities apply the same rules in their own jurisdictions? Take Tainan for example. Property owners protested the Tainan City Government's expropriation of their land for railroads. Residents were angry because Mayor William Lai failed to appear before the City Council. They were kept out of City Hall by large numbers of police. Clearly William Lai does not think the mayor's office and the city government should be open to the public. University presidents and teachers would probably not agree that dissatisfied students have the right to invade the principal's office.

The main reason a democratic society implements the rule of law, is to ensure adherence to objective standards, regardless of who is in power. Based on such objective standards, the law forbids certain actions. People are not exempt merely because they belong to a particular class or enjoy special status. People cannot violate these laws merely because they are displeased with certain agencies. Students and others who illegally invade the MInistry of Education, occupy the Minister's office, damage computers and other items, must be prosecuted in accordance with the law. They are in violation of the codes against criminal trespass and destruction of property. This is true even if they invade ordinary residences, let alone government buildings.

Worse still, some people have attempted to spin the students' conduct as "civil disobedience". Civil disobedience requires the willingness to accept legal sanctions in order to express one's ideas. But students protesting curriculum changes violated laws and broke rules. They then demanded immunity from prosecution. They often invoke the logic of revolution, civil war, and counter-insurgency on democratic Taiwan. This has led to endless absurdities, including the Sunflower Student Movement milksops being cast as "heroes".

These political movements trample over the rule of law. They are providing young students with a very poor lesson in civics, for the following reasons.

One. Citizens must live in peace with others who hold different views. When people differ on policy, they can debate, vote, advocate, and litigate. But they may not adopt the attitude that "Whatever I say, goes." If other people's views differ from one's own, one may not resort to illegal force or coercion. If that is tolerated, whither democracy? Some oppose changes in the curriculum. Some support them. Do those opposed to changes have a monopoly on halos?

Two. Civic debate in a democratic society must be based on facts, not on ignorance or blind obedience. Those opposed to curriculum changes endlessly repeat false arguments. They object to passages such as "The highest mountain peaks in our country are the Himalayas". They claim that "The 2/28 Incident has been omitted". All such allegations are false or misleading. Even the painful ordeal of the comfort women is spun as "voluntary". The Taipei High Administrative Court ruled that "the minutes of curriculum revision meetings and voting records should be made public". This has no bearing on the validity of curriculum decisions, which are still being appealed. Yet those opposed to curriculum changes falsely claim that they are illegal and must not be implemented. Given this twisted logic, "ignorance is strength". Is such behavior befitting self-proclaimed champions of democracy?

Three. Citizens are members of a democratic society. Individual freedom is not unlimited. Struggles between those holding different views must take place within legal limits. If one chooses to fight illegally, but also expects legal immunity, then one is either an ignoramus or a tyrant. Enforcement of the law cannot be selective, based on one's status. Can students invade government offices and engage in vandalism with impunity? Can they break into school buildings and burn their academic records? Can they steal other's property on the streets? If reporters are merely reporting and interviewing subjects, their freedom of expression must be protected. But if they are inciting or participating in illegal conduct, that is a different story. This can all be clarified through investigations and the judicial process. Only then can we know if their actions were legitimate.

A sound civic education teaches students independent thinking. It makes them understand they are members of a community. It teaches them they have legal responsibilities and obligations, and must learn to get along with others. But politicians have actually been inciting student violence, and assuring them that their student status offers them immunity from prosecution. This tramples over the rule of law, and constitutes the nadir of civic education.












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