Sunday, September 13, 2015

Winning Strategy for Taiwan's Economic Recovery

Winning Strategy for Taiwan's Economic Recovery
United Daily News Editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
September 14, 2015

Executive Summary: Taiwan's economy is now at a turning point. Exports have declined and growth has stalled repeatedly. This has been become a long-term problem. Our economic growth model is unsustainable. Meanwhile, the Mainland economy also faces a turning point, the most serious in a decade. The future will be bleak and rife with challenges. Cross-Strait economic and trade relations are close. The economic downturn on the Mainland will severely impact Taiwan's survival and development. It will test the long-standing model of cross-Strait economic cooperation. We have reached a crossroads. Choosing Taiwan's economic development strategy will be the most difficult challenge for whoever becomes the next president.

Full Text Below:

Taiwan's economy is now at a turning point. Exports have declined and growth has stalled repeatedly. This has been become a long-term problem. Our economic growth model is unsustainable. Meanwhile, the Mainland economy also faces a turning point, the most serious in a decade. The future will be bleak and rife with challenges. Cross-Strait economic and trade relations are close. The economic downturn on the Mainland will severely impact Taiwan's survival and development. It will test the long-standing model of cross-Strait economic cooperation. We have reached a crossroads. Choosing Taiwan's economic development strategy will be the most difficult challenge for whoever becomes the next president.

In August of this year, Taiwan's exports fell seven consecutive times over three consecutive months. This double-digit decline marked the most serious recession since the global financial tsunami. The National Development Council may dismiss it as a global phenomenon and claim that it was not confined to Taiwan. But Taiwan's export competitiveness has been falling since since 2012. What's worse, the fall is accelerating. The harsh reality is that Taiwan is more dependent on exports than most other economies. Long-term sluggish exports means long-term economic anemia, even long-term economic decline. This is the crisis Taiwan faces.

The Ma administration considers the rapid rise of the Mainland economy over the past decade as Taiwan's best opportunity for economic rejuvenation. As a result it has promoted ECFA, the STA, the MTA, and other agreements. It is committed to cross-Strait industrial cooperation, These agreements are the result of a Mainland policy that attempts to maximize Taiwan's business opportunities. The STA, MTA, and other agreements have been blocked since the Sunflower Student Movement. But Ma and the KMT government have made few changes to their thinking since. As KMT presidential candidate Hung Hsiu-chu repeatedly underscores, Taiwan must "stand on the shoulders of giants". Such policy statements are typical.

Now however, the Mainland economy has begun a slowdown that Xi Jinping terms the "new normal". It faces other unprecedented challenges as well. These include a housing market bubble, local government debt, shadow banking, excess capacity, and a rapidly aging population. None of these problems are easy to solve. Recently the stock market crashed, but the Mainland authorities were unable to turn the tide. On August 11, the RMB suddenly depreciated. This was the most significant turning point in a decade. The result was a race among nations to devalue their national currencies, and a global stock market crash. International experts consider Beijing's actions a declaration that Mainland China is no longer a safe haven from the vicissitudes of the global economy. This development is a wild card in the global economy.

Mainland Premier Li Keqiang recently delivered a speech before the Davos Forum in Dalian. He emphasized that "[Mainland] China is not the source of risk in the global economy. It is the power source for global economic growth". But growth is slowing, exports are falling, and capital is fleeing, faster than ever, and making reform ever more difficult. The Mainland economy is already undergoing major adustments. The impact on Taiwan's economy can only increase.

The impact of Mainland economic adjustments on Taiwan is multi-faceted. The slowdown will reduce demand for Taiwan's imports. Official efforts to upgrade the economy will cause talent and technology capital to migrate to the Mainland. Industrial restructuring and updating will exacerbate red supply chain threats to Taiwan exports. Cross-Strait economic and trade is changing. Quantitative change is becoming qualitative change. Competition from the Mainland is gradually replacing cooperation. This makes it an increasing threat to Taiwan. Taiwan must change its strategy. It has no alternative.

Taiwan faces a turning point in economic development. We must quickly discard our old mode of thinking, and adopt new strategic plans. The first change must be to change our excessive reliance on exports for economic growth. Domestic consensus is building. Economic development must be based more on domestic demand and local factors. This includes housing and urban renewal, social housing, long-term care, quality of life measures, and responses an aging society. Economic growth must shift, from exclusive reliance on exports to combined reliance on domestic demand in addition to exports. This will improve our ability to respond to fluctuations in the global economy.

The second change must be to our easy money foundry export model. Taiwan businesses use the Mainland as their factories. They fill OEM orders for international brands, and survive by means of volume and price. The rise of the red supply chain means it can offer even greater volume and lower prices than Taiwan. Taiwan must survive by offering higher quality instead. It must rely on innovation and the adoption of a value-added services export model. Only that will ensure sustainable competitiveness. That requires shared responsibility between the public and private sectors.

The third change must be to our cross-Strait economic cooperation strategy. The Mainland is the world's second largest economy. Cross-Strait trade makes the two sides inseparable. Shutting out the Mainland market is impossible. Bilateral economic cooperation must jettison politically-motivated thinking and adopt market-oriented thinking. Cooperation must be treated as cooperation. Competition must be treated as competition. The government's responsibility is to establish market rules and exclude unfair competition. Reverting to market-oriented thinking will make Taiwan businesses more competitive. This is Taiwan's winning strategy under the new reality of cross-Strait coopetition,











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