Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Will the KMT Survive or Perish?

Will the KMT Survive or Perish?
China Times Editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
February 4, 2016

Executive Summary: There is a popular term on the Internet: "xiu xia xian". It means "hitting rock bottom". It refers to a person or organization sinking so low, it cannot possibly sink any lower. The term comes to mind when describing the KMT. The Kuomintang may remain an opposition party for the next four years, eight years, or even twenty years. No matter what, the road will be a difficult one. Will the KMT survive or perish? If it survives, how long will it take before it can return to power? This will not be determined by the DPP, but by the KMT itself. Can the KMT engage in self-introspection? Can it prove it is capable? Can it touch the hearts of voters?

Full Text Below:

There is a popular term on the Internet: "xiu xia xian". It means "hitting rock bottom". It refers to a person or organization sinking so low, it cannot possibly sink any lower. The term comes to mind when describing the KMT. The KMT hit rock bottom during the presidential and legislative elections. It hit rock bottom when chaos erupted from within following its rout at the polls. It sank until it could sink no further. If intraparty strife continues, the collapse of the KMT will not be far off. Momentary defeat is one thing. This is another matter altogether, and will determine whether the KMT survives or perishes.

Consider the current party chairperson election. Internal competition is inevitable. But this competition has degenerated into a "support Hung" vs. "Stop Hung", "native" vs. "non-native" struggle. The sorry fact is that the current election is being fought on the basis of provincial origin.

During Taiwan's democratization, provincial origin based demagoguery was something people detested the most. Repeated elections have led to a more mature democracy, greater voter independence, and rejection of provincial origin based demagoguery. This already constitutes a public consensus. The DPP has long ceased to rely on so-called "ethnic group" demaoguery to mobilize voters.

Differences over reunification and independence remain. Tsai Ing-wen recently used the term "natural Taiwan independence" to describe the younger generation. But those who advocate reunification and those who advocate independence have gradually reached an understanding. The most clearest evidence of this understanding is reflected in universal identification with the Republic of China flag. Even the pro-independence DPP "defends the Republic of China". The public on Taiwan has no problem identifying with the "Republic of China". This ensures social cohesion, and is the bedrock that provides social stability.

In the wake of the KMT's election defeat however, democracy has regressed. It has reverted to "native" vs. "non-native" opposition in the party chairperson election. For the KMT, this is a genuine tragedy. 

Tragedy Number One. Historically speaking, the KMT has usually been the victim of the "provincial origin card". Today however, it is not other parties that are playing the "provincial origin card" against the KMT. Instead, it is the KMT playing the "ethnic origin card" against itself.

Taiwan society is sufficiently mature. If the KMT plays the "provincial origin card" within the party, that will not worsen society wide antagonisms. This leads us to Tragedy Number Two. If the KMT plays the "provincial origin card", it will not succeed in leading the public down the wrong path. But it will succeed in making the public abandon the KMT.

This reveals the KMT leadership's low self-esteem and deficient wisdom. The fact is many people are looking to the KMT in the wake of the election. They hope it can regroup. They hope it can refashion itself into an opposition party with ideals and fighting spirit. They hope it can remake itself into a political party able to check and balance the ruling DPP.

Younger generation KMT members have founded the "Grassroots Alliance". Some of the alliance's proposals may be simplistic. But they show that the younger generation has not given up on the KMT. Middle aged and young KMT members have gone online to discuss opposition strategy. They have swiftly gained considerable popularity. This shows that many people worry about a DPP monopoly on power. They think it will be detrimental to Taiwan's democracy. The KMT must accurately gauge the mood of society, and respond appropriately to its expectations.

The public expects the KMT to effectively check and balance the DPP, and prevent suicidal DPP confrontation with the Mainland. The public hopes the KMT will check DPP arrogance of power, and prevent the resurgence of DPP corruption. Therefore we have several suggestions for the KMT.

Suggestion One. When the KMT sounds the clarion call for pan-blue unity, it must not divide candidates for the party chairmanship into "native" and "non-native" categories. To do so is both politically immoral and politically suicidal.

Suggestion Two. All who take part in the party chairperson election, particularly Hung Shiu-chu and Huang Ming-hui, held high office when the KMT was in the ruling party. They must share responsibility for the election defeat. They must demonstrate commitment. If elected, they must be willing to assume responsibility during the transfer of power. They must also assume responsibility for the transformation of the party. In other words, they may serve only their by-election term and no more. They may not succeed themselves. During the party chairperson election, they must debate the party's future. All who care about the future of the Kuomintang must be allowed to participate. This will enable the KMT to set its direction as an opposition party.

Suggestion Three. The new chairperson's first duty must be to rally the opposition. In her capacity as chairperson of the largest opposition party, she should invite James Soong of the People First Party, Yok Mu-ming of the New Party, and whoever becomes the chairperson of the Republican Party, to co-chair a Pan-Blue Alliance. Together they must provide oversight of the ruling DPP. The new KMT chairperson must reform the KMT chairman election system, lower the unreasonably high threshold for chairperson elections, enabling more people to run for party chairperson. Local party chairpersons should also be directly elected. This will enable the KMT to become a political party created from the outside in. This will enable the KMT to broaden its appeal, introduce new blood, and increase party diversity.

The Kuomintang may remain an opposition party for the next four years, eight years, or even twenty years. No matter what, the road will be a difficult one. Will the KMT survive or perish? If it survives, how long will it take before it can return to power? This will not be determined by the DPP, but by the KMT itself. Can the KMT engage in self-introspection? Can it prove it is capable? Can it touch the hearts of voters?

20160204 中國時報















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